40+FAB Blog
Get the word out!
As we begin another New Year, I know there is something that you so desperately want to share with the world, or at least with those in your sphere of influence.
It could be an idea, a skill , a product, or a service. You could be promoting a thing, or a person – like yourself, but whatever it is, you need to get the word about it out there, otherwise how else would anyone know that it is available.
You must develop a clear plan on how you intend to promote these things consistently throughout the year. Know yourself, know your product, know you market and with that knowledge tailor the word you put out on the streets about it.
Some companies spend a significant amount of thier revenues on advertising and public relations so thier company and products remain in the minds of the public, but more importantly in the mind of thier customers and potential customers.
We should be no different and spend a significant amount of our resources and time to build on relationships, which are key for others to receive our person. We should also be investing in platforms where we can promote whatever we are offering to as may that fall into the category of person we are targeting.
Do your best to get the word out there and keep it going all year round, and watch what the effects of creating an awareness about you and your products can achieve.