40+FAB Blog
Running out of time
The one thing that is always on the move no matter how slow a pace our lives seems to be moving is time. As they say, time waits for no one.
This season is a time to catch up on a lot of “if only I have more time” type tasks. The secret is to plan it out over the coming days, because before you know it, things would be back to normal and you could have lost that opportunity.
Even though it seems slow, you are running out of time.
Even though it looks like nothing is happening out there, you are running out of time.
Even though things feel uncertain, you are running out of time.
Even though it looks like things may never be the same again, you are running out of time.
Don’t get caught up pondering and wondering what will happen next. You have been given a great gift of time to catch up.
Roll up your sleeves and start getting things done as quickly as you can because very soon society will be back on track and you will need to hit the ground running. Don’t waste another second as you are really running out of time.