40+FAB Blog
Empty ground
November 7, 2019 - 40+FAB Blog
I like the English country side because as you go past, you encounter large fields filled with all types of luscious verdure. Tree’s, colourful flowers and various farm animals are dotted across the landscape. It is truly a beautiful sight to behold.
This display of colourful vegetation is occasionally interrupted as you pass by large patches of empty ground. It doesn’t look good and gets no second glances.
That land owner has had to strip back everything on that piece of ground removing all vegetation – good and bad – exposing the bare soil so that he can purpose the land to a different type of seed that will yield a crop.
If your life were like a field, would you allow anything to grow on you so that you don’t look like empty ground?
Would you be more concerned about getting noticed by people for looking like something is happening?
Or, would you rather strip back all that is unnecessary, pulling out habits, activities and relationships that are unproductive and then intentionally sowing new seeds to grow a future that will truly be worth looking at?