40+FAB Blog
No matter how careful and self-controlled we feel we are, as humans, we are always subject to errors and the sooner we come to terms with it, the better our lives will be.
When we operate at any level without checks, balances or accountability, we are highly likely to fail spectacularly. If you just take a look at individuals and organisations that have produced excellent and successful outputs, you will find embedded in the culture that sense of accountability and when things do go wrong, they set further checks in place to ensure it does not happen again.
Think about the big financial scandals of the last decade and you will find that the ones who made the catastrophic decisions were actually really good at thier job, but then they failed to observe the checks set in place to protect themselves, thier organisation and thier customers. It could have been over confidence that led to that, or just a disregard for the rules driven by thier massive successes.
Think about this and adopt it when it doesn’t seem like you need it, because one day, you will slip up and if you have allowed for full accountability, it will save you from a costly mistake.