40+FAB Blog
Satisfaction in labour
December 29, 2020 - 40+FAB Blog
Someone said there is dignity in labour, and indeed it is true that every form of work should be treated with respect as it is necessary and needs to be done by someone. No matter how insignificant some types of jobs look, we quickly realise how important they are once it is not being done.
Regardless of how anyone views your job, there is a sense of satisfaction that we get for ourselves from carrying out tasks and completing them. The process of facing the challenge, thinking through what needs to be done, doing it and then getting the expected results is always a joy.
I had a gas leak recently and a workman was sent over to try and solve the problem. He seemed to be in a hurry, a little bit uptight and quite abrupt in his communication. Once he found the source of the leak and the reason for the leak, he called me and pointed it out and what he would need to do to rectify it. As he began to repair the pipes, he was like a different man, he became all chatty and told me about his sports interest. I am sure you have been there yourself and have possibly gone out for a meal or drink to celebrate a work accomplishment.
As you go about your life and work, don’t forget that there is satisfaction in getting things done as they should be.