40+FAB Blog
Holding your nerve
January 17, 2021 - 40+FAB Blog
From time to time, there are significant events that we have to plan in life, be it personal, family related, social functions or work. At those times we give an extra level of attention and focus to all the steps that need to be taken to pull off the event.
As the day draws near, we somehow get more tense and impatient with things that don’t seem to be falling into place to make the day the success we desire. One thing that is absolutely mandatory for us to do is to hold our nerve.
The day will come, then it will pass – most times very quickly. You need to weigh the cost of the weeks of worry and stress, the outbursts of anger towards family, friends or colleagues, the many late and sleepless nights, and all the other trappings that can come when we are under pressure. Would it be worth it to “gain the world but lose your soul”?
The problem is not in the pressure or in the process we have to work through to get excellent results, rather, the weight that will tip the balance over lies within us. When we learn to hold our nerve, when we learn to let patience rule in the midst of pressure, or to be fair to others when we are in the fire, then we would have learnt a very important lesson in being a master over situations.