40+FAB Blog

Weeds still come uninvited

Have you noticed that weeds always seem to show up in your garden or farm, totally uninvited. In fact, the preparation of the land is focussed on what will make our plants grow and thrive, not those unwelcomed guests.

The reality of life is that no matter how much we plan for what we want, what we don’t want will somehow find a way in. It should not come as a shock, but we do need to be ready to deal with it when we set out to grow something new, be it a family, business, career, idea or garden.

If we take a leaf from farming, we can better understand the following:

  • There is no cause for alarm when weeds show up uninvited
  • In the early stages, the weeds sometimes look like the plants we want, but only time will reveal the true plants, so don’t to be too quick to judge problematic situations or people.
  • At the time the weeds show themselves for what they are, be quick to root out those that can be removed without destroying your plants.
  • Let your focus be on the plants and tend to them, ignore the weeds and starve them of nutrients, time and attention.

So, don’t let the possibility of uninvited weeds ruin your expectations or deter you from growing the best things that you have planned for.