40+FAB Blog
I am sure you have heard the word TEAM described as an acronym, Together Everyone Achieves More. You would also have heard it said that there is no I in team, and some would joke ‘but there is a me’.
I recently listened to leadership guru, John C. Maxwell, and he advised, “We is more important than me. If you play a solo game, you will always lose out to a team.”
I was again on a webinar where Simon Sinek gave us insights into his learnings from his early years as an entrepreneur. He said most young entrepreneurs try to figure it out by themselves and are not quick to call for help. Operating that way is limiting and slows you down. He said he has learnt to surround himself with a team, and does challenge them to come up with solutions to problems they face as a team. The results, he says, are always very rewarding.
Have your results in life been less than you have desired? Have you been defeated in too many endeavours you tried to go alone? Are you unwilling to let others in on what you are trying to achieve?
The power of a team will always win, be stronger, go faster, perform better, and last longer, than a solo effort. Reach out for help today and surround yourself with a team that works together to achieve more.